Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Brewing Up A Storm

So it's Paddy's Day and surprising it is not very exciting, just the usual shenanigans in the local at the treat of the local nightclub being open on a week night (the excitement). Anyways on this most Catholic of holidays that primarily involves walking down a street after our usual display of military strength and over-rated drinking abilities you have to ask yourself how a Welsh guy got so popular while being stolen with a few a sheep. Niall of the Nine Hostages created the Irish Vintners Federation wet dream, those publicans have a lot to be grateful for. In recent years its turned into a festival for some reason and now involves that most traditional of activities, a large fuck off fireworks display. No wonder the country is in the state it is!

So lets keep it all things Irish and select a Paddy's Day Irish anthem, think Feile, think Semple Stadium, think Thurles, think mid-nineties, think The Stunning...


Some Chilean Woman said...

That reminds me to wear green tomorrow, don't want to get pinched!

Neil said...

Green is important alright tomorrow! Shur half of america thinks they are Irish, we even have a claim in on Obama

Some Chilean Woman said...

I'd hate to be a confused American. But I don't blame them, any Celtic descent is pretty rad. I couldn't get away with it, I'm too Chilean.

Now, Obama...erm, he has too much rythm, he couldn't possibly be part Irish.

Neil said...

well seemingly he is http://www.independent.ie/unsorted/migration/retired-farmer-claims-hes-related-to-barack-obama-668928.html

Now a paper would never lie!!!! or would it????

Some Chilean Woman said...

Ha! I want DNA proof!!!

Neil said...

Very cynical nation the Chileans!!! Ha

Sleepy said...

I arrive in Ireland tomorrow, just in time to miss it all!

Neil said...

Ah frig... don't worry the atmosphere will still be there as people walk bleary eyed to work! Its the all about the hangover really