Thursday, March 12, 2009

Some Songs Age Well. Some Don't

After a week of sports related posts regarding Cheltenham (if you want to know betting will never replace my day job) and Liverpool (I hope to god we are not beaten Saturday, I mean hope as in offering and cash money will be paid) I'm back on slightly more solid ground with a music related post. In a previous post I've mentioned how Nick Hornby uses lists very effectively in High Fidelity (Christ I sound like me in the bad old lecturing days) and I've decided to use 'em once more so as to be able to shoe horn totally disparate songs into one post. (I really have to find some new vocab, there should be a limit on the amount times I mention the word post)

So today's top 5 relates to songs heard out in the good old college days, so think music circa 2004 and what can only be described as a slightly immature taste (you see I'm all grown up now, well as grown up as a non-tall person can be). Some of the songs are works of genius while others, well others talk mainly of "teenage activities". Today's top 5... songs that used to make a college night out.

5. Radiohead: High and Dry
4. ODB: Got Your Money
3. Blackstreet: No Diggity
2. The Killers: Jenny Was A Friend of Mine

and finally
1. The Devinyls

I honestly don't know what I was thinking in college (ah not the importance of object orientated programming and how Java would save the world... turns out it didn't) cause some of those songs stink the place up now looking back.

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