I'm ever so slightly edgy today for some reason. It's the start of crazy religion penance season in these parts and I've decided to stick with custom (for rationale behind this argument see Dawkins God Delusion and the social power of religion even if you believe the dogma is bollocks). Anyways I'm gone cold turkey on two mainstays of everyday life for forty days. In celebration of this I'm sound tracking my fragile mental state with one of the Gallagher brothers more catchy numbers. If I end up in the desert being chatted up by a devil at least I'll have that opening riff in my head to keep me on righteous path!
Hey, nice work!!! Ya gota quit today, it was the drink that got me into this in the first place, will it never end. Good song choice.
Cheers! Drink is the reason we always end up in bad places.
Hey theyre never bad. Did you get ashes??!!
Dammit I forgot!!! Im going straight to hell! You are just trying to stay on the boss man's good side. He knows you are faking it!
Good luck with that, I'll just stick to being evil.
Muhahaha... You do evil so well! It may be a calling
It's been I while since the ipod shuffled in to any Oasis!
It is definitely going through a Motown phase at the moment.
Ipod algorithims do that from time to time. Although a Funk Brothers inspired Motown phase is never a bad thing
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